Chakra Affirmation Plaques

Migration to Gumroad

Update Feb. 20, 2025

Why the move?

I have had malicious activity on my store lately. I am working on moving all my products to the Gumroad platform to help keep you safe!

Since it’s been a slow process with all the great coloring pages I have to offer, you may find things missing on my main website

Is this page/book moved yet?

Below you may find a coloring page that has already moved to Gumroad.

Look for the Gumroad “Add To Cart” button below.

If it is missing the Gumroad button, send me a message with this link (Copy URL from browser) to the coloring page and I will move it right away for you. Plus give you a coupon to discount the coloring page. 🙂

What’s already on Gumroad?


These 7 Chakra affirmation plaques are a great way to activate your own inner voice and gently remind you of the positive space you could reside in. Hang them up in places in your home and work space to give you encouragement throughout the day.

Perfect decor for the Yoga Studio or any sacred space in your life.

The messages reflects healing intentions for each Chakra. Buy the whole set and get one free!
You can customize these with your own affirmations. Contact me for custom requests.

Read about Chakra Healing and get some ideas for your customized chakra affirmation wall art.

Customization Samples

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