Animal Fun Kids Fanny Pack Hip Bag


Migration to Gumroad

Update Feb. 20, 2025

Why the move?

I have had malicious activity on my store lately. I am working on moving all my products to the Gumroad platform to help keep you safe!

Since it’s been a slow process with all the great coloring pages I have to offer, you may find things missing on my main website

Is this page/book moved yet?

Below you may find a coloring page that has already moved to Gumroad.

Look for the Gumroad “Add To Cart” button below.

If it is missing the Gumroad button, send me a message with this link (Copy URL from browser) to the coloring page and I will move it right away for you. Plus give you a coupon to discount the coloring page. ๐Ÿ™‚

What’s already on Gumroad?


I had a problem to solve with my two girls. Whenever we go for a hike or walk through the zoo and places outdoors they would collect up many treasures:

  • seeds
  • acorn tops
  • fallen leaves
  • flowers
  • anything that catches their eye really

After a while their tiny hands would be so full they would ask for help carrying these things. Which I would insist they needed to keep hold of their own collections till we got home. Plus they had to somehow manage their water bottles, which eventually I cave in and say I will carry so they can carry all their precious finds. So I decided they needed their own fanny pack to help them! Bonus benefit about these? it’s on their hips! And they can clip a carabiner to it with their water bottle. Another problem solved.

Select from several animals:

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